Wednesday, March 2, 2011

friday night lights

If football is so great, why does it take cheerleaders to excite the crowd?

You never know what it's like until your out on that field on a Friday night under those big stadium lights. Theres a lot of feeling going on while your out there on that field. Almost everyone in the stadium is watching you. They are expecting you to pump them up and have a big smile on your face. If you aren't happy out there on that field your not going to be able to pump up the crowd. Right before a cheer is called or 2,3 is yelled to do a stunt there's so many feeling rushing through your body. You get really nervous because everyone is expecting you to hit everything perfectly. But right as something is called there is a big adrenaline rush through you body. It makes you hit your stunts just right & be tight as can be. It helps you hit every move in your cheers to not forgetting anything. Cheerleaders are the ones out there cheering the football players on while they give it their all to win the game. With out us they would have a difficult time getting in to the game & giving it everything you've got. Right when they are ready to give up they hear everyone cheering for them and giving it their last ounce of energy to push through and win the game. Being under those light on a Friday night cheering on our football players is one of the best feelings in the world. 

I choose this picture because its at one of our football games


  1. Well these is pretty inspirational. I thinkits cool, its like your moment to shine and show everyone what you have been working towards as a team. very nicely done.

  2. Thanks It really does feel like all eyes are on us sometimes.
