Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to stunt in cheerleading

The first thing you to do is make sure you have the proper clothing, shoes, and either in the grass or on a mat. Then you have to break it down in to groups the bases, fliers and spotters. The bases are usually the stronger girls on the team. There should be two side bases a back spot and sometimes a front spot if there are enough people or if the stunt is very difficult. The fliers are the girls getting thrown in the air. They must be very coordinated, flexible, have lots of balance, and not be scared of heights. The fliers are typically the smaller girls on the team because they are easier to lift and toss around. Then there are the spotters, the spotters are girls who stand around the stunt just in case the flier comes down a way where the other girls could not catch her. Next comes the stunting part, you should start off at a very simple elevator. The two bases should face each other with their feet about shoulder width apart. The flier should then stand between the bases with her hands on her shoulders and the back spot behind her with her hands on her hips. The flier will then jump into the bases hands while the back spot helps her into theirs hands. The bases lift her up to chest level and the back spot will have her ankles lifting her up to take some of the weight off of the bases. Once they are ready to come down the back spot will call 2,3 and either they will cradle or do a pencil drop. After they feel the have mastered the elevator they can move on the extension, one foot stunts and much much more.  

i choose this picture because it shows all different levels of stunting.


  1. The one thing i miss about cheerleading is stunting. That was one of my faviorite things to do at cheerleading. I think the flyers have the most confidence because they are the ones being thrown in the air. But the bases also have a lot of confidence because they are the ones throwning them and catching the flyers and that is very difficult to do.

  2. Melissa, I agree with you stunting is the best part of cheerleading it gives you so much excitment. The flyer and bases both have a big responsibility

  3. i liked this post i think its good to have a sport you really care about and have your whole life wrapped around it!!
