Friday, April 8, 2011

Cheerleading Tryouts

Cheerleading tryouts are probably one of the most stressful things that a cheerleader has to go through. You’re given little time to prepare, one tryout to get it right, and it’s hard to figure out what the judges are looking for. But by using some common-sense tips, you can be more prepared to nail your cheerleading tryouts. Getting in shape is one way you can be ready for cheerleading tryouts. This is something you can do months in advance, and it will help you to get through your tryout routine without struggling physically, which will also give you more confidence. You’ll also look more competent in the eyes of judges. If you've got a friend at the cheerleading tryout, he or she will be a great help. Not only will you both benefit from the one-on-one critique, but having someone there will help to calm your nerves. Remember that the judges are looking at you through the whole process, not just your individual tryout. How they see you interact with your team members during cheerleading tryouts could have an impact on your evaluation. If they see that you seem to fit in okay with the group, that will make you look like a good choice for the team. If they see that you have a good attitude, they will see you as someone who they can work with and teach. If they see that you ask questions when necessary, they will know that you care about the routine and are serious about cheerleading. So bear in mind that, although your individual tryout is the most important thing, the way you conduct yourself during the whole process of cheerleading tryouts could have an impact, too. During cheerleading tryouts, there will be lots of people the judges are looking at. But when you burst through that door for your individual tryout, it's all about you. Give them 100 percent enthusiasm the second you go through that door. Sound off like you were in a stadium full of people. Make, and keep, eye contact with the judges. Give them a great smile...not a fake one. You will have very little time to show them what you're all about -- make the most of it.

i choose this picture because its one of our first pictures as a team.